Below are the contact details for Assupol:
Phone Numbers:
- 0861 235 664 (head office)
- 0860 103 091 (sales)
- 0861 235 664 (client services)
- 0861 235 664 (claims)
- 0800 002 614 (Assupol On-Call)
- 0861 235 664 (On-Call Plus)
Fax Numbers:
- 012 366 3500 (head office)
- 0861 329 287 (client services)
- 087 233 6300 / 7300 (claims)
Email Addresses:
- [email protected] (head office)
- [email protected] (sales)
- [email protected] (client services)
- [email protected] (claims)
Summit Place Office Park
Building 6
221 Garstfontein road
PO Box 35900
Menlo Park
About Assupol Funeral Cover
If you are looking for funeral coverage in South Africa, it is important to choose the right Assupol Funeral Cover. In this day and age, it is not only important to have funeral coverage that will help your family with expenses on a burial but also important to choose a funeral service provider that is affordable and yet still offers quality service. One of the things you will want to look for in a funeral provider will be flexible so you can plan to have a different service location or services offered if the need arises. The funeral service plan usually provides funds for the funeral of the clients’ dependents and usually costs around R 70 per month. With this funeral cover, clients can ensure that they have a dignified burial for themselves and their family members.
One of the many factors you will want to consider when choosing an Assupol funeral policy is whether or not they can offer low-cost premiums and still provide good quality service after the service has been held. It is important to note that the prices that are quoted vary depending on the location, size of the deceased, age, gender, number of children, number of adults and the health history of the deceased. The various rates offered to include:
Premiums charged by some insurance companies are based on the age of the individual. If you are looking for affordable rates, it is advisable to speak to an insurance company that specializes in this field. Accidental death covers in South Africa come with other benefits such as financial assistance for hospital bills and funeral arrangements. Other accidental death insurance companies may also offer to counsel. For more information on these types of accidental death insurance companies, surf the internet.
Accidental death insurance rates in South Africa generally remain relatively low. However, some companies charge excessive fees for accidental death cover and will often deny payments to families who need funeral cover. The terms and conditions may also vary from one provider to another. If you are interested in finding affordable rates on an Assupol funeral policy, it is advisable to get quotes from several different companies to compare the various features and rates.
When looking for an affordable and flexible funeral cover policy premiums in south Africa generally remain relatively expensive. You will need to consider factors such as your family’s needs, the cost of the funeral and the amount of coverage that you require. If you live in a high crime area then premiums will be higher and vice versa. Factors such as your profession, location, age, occupation and marital status can also affect the rate of premium.
The costs of cover can be shared between two individuals or families if you have more than one dependent. Premiums are generally low when compared to other countries in Africa and can be kept low for several years. However, in some areas, you may experience higher premiums on particular items such as cremation Burnt Offerings. Because of the cost of living in South Africa, many families do not consider funeral cover premiums and face financial difficulties when the time comes when they need to make a claim.