On 18/11/2021, Dial Direct had an Average rating of 2.36 out of 5 from 2,293 reviews, according to HelloPeter.com.
If you’re shopping for car insurance, Dial Direct has a solid reputation. Their customers appreciate the quality of their insurance products and excellent customer service. In addition to car insurance, they also offer comprehensive home insurance policies. To find out more, check out our Dial Direct Car Insurance Review. You won’t be disappointed! Here’s what to expect from this provider:
Dial Direct receives high ratings in car insurance reviews due to their cashback rewards for responsible drivers and no administration fees. Their third-party fire and theft cover protects both your vehicle and other cars/property against damage – even covering your sound system! The online application process is quick and easy; plus you can access it via their free mobile app too. Comparing quotes with other insurers will help you find the best deal with Dial Direct.
When considering any policy from them, look at the overall rating of the company – over 1 million customers have already benefited from its services! If you’re looking for an affordable policy that offers great value then make sure to read through our DialDirect Car Insurance Review first – we know you’ll be satisfied with what they provide.